The Unstoppable YOU

White flowers

Hope for a new tomorrow
Filled with joy and peace
Filled with knowing
You are so worth it
You are so valuable
And you are so unique
There is no one like you
Rejoice in who you are and
Where you are going
Moving onwards and upwards
To new things, to brighter things
To exciting things
Hope for a new tomorrow

Know that you are in control
That this path you take
That this path you forge
Is yours and only yours
You are in the driver's seat
No one but you can guide this journey
No one but you can truly know
What is best for you on this journey
No one but you
Truly knows YOU.

Take the time
To learn, to explore
All the options out there
For you
Nothing is out of your reach
Every thing is available
For you
Don't limit yourself
Rather stretch yourself
Get all that you can
Learn all that you can
To help you have
A better future
A brighter future
Just for you.

Don't take no for an answer
Keep fighting, keep exploring
Keep reaching
For what it is you desire
In this life of yours
Don't let anyone
Dictate where you can go
What you can achieve
Only you know where you are
Only you know what you want
And where you want to go
Don't stop fighting
For you

Take the time
To surround yourself
With people who love you
Chose only those
Who uplift, who support
Who are there for you
No matter where you are
Along this path of yours
Keep yourself affirmed
Not only by your friends
But also by yourself
Keep positive
Keep moving forward
And never  
Never ever give up
On this journey of yours

This is your journey
It is all you can make it
And more
Take the time for you
Take the time
To find out what you need
Where you want to go
Learn, discover
The New, the exciting
The unstoppable

Written by:  Diane Georgiadi
         April 2013